Le 1er web magazine spectacles | Grand Est transfrontalier
Das 1. Webmagazin der darstellenden künste | Grenzüberschreitende Region Grand Est

Inside the tent is a smaller tent, and in that smaller tent sits a young boy. He has come a long way, mostly on his own. He can show what he took with him, explain why he set out on his journey, and he can perfectly describe where he travelled, but how his story will end, he cannot say…

The performance We Come from Far, Far Away tells a story about two young boys from Aleppo travelling across Europe to Norway. Against the backdrop of a journey through Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, and onwards to Oslo, they share stories about people, things and places they’ve seen, but also about life and death.

Combining live music, storytelling, clowning, shadow theatre and the symbolic presence of a Mongolian yurt, NIE crafts a deeply resonant narrative about seeking refuge.


Etiketten:Rotondes - Theater


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